There's something wrong!

maybe its the socks hmmm... ;)


Nandu said...

Absolutely lovely one! I REALLY like this. :D

Kartik said...

wah.. /)

have u noticed something ppl??
i m always 2nd in commenting on priya's doodle..!! :o

a genius is always 1st.. :P

Di, if not ajay.. :P:D

~Knife said...

have you noticed another thing? :P
ALL Geniuses visit my blog and makes it a point to leave their comments.. :) thank you!

Shishya said...

wanted to try a hand at being genuis :)

i've got a feeling she's got exactly the same pair of socks at home!!


Kiran said...

don't be so conscious darling .. its ok. You always see such situations where socks are not matching. Life is like that