
In a vacuum globe
With a string that glows
Eureka! They scream
When Bulbul simply gleams

Lemme call her Bulbul :P


Footloose said...

Can u make similar doodle with a tubelight? I need a new DP.. :D :p

~Knife said...

ok ... lemme try ;) :P!

Shivalik said...

aah.. u could have atleast given the poor lassie a cushion... she'll get hurt when the bulb is on :D :P

Yagnam said...

Product of imagination

pbzeppelin said...

Wah! They said - she is so bright
Enthroned on the filament of her creation
Words pouring out of their mouths so trite...
What a woman! what a sensation!

She shines like the sun in the midday sky
So dazzling...yet so ruthless
Do they even see the single tear in her eye...
Which will make their accusations so truthless!

Blazing her way through the vacuum of her life
The emptiness of Bulbul
Will cut like the knife...
The shearer/dreamer gathering wool!

Inspired by the pic and the comments...

Arcturus said...

perfect name