Dreams come true! :)

"Your artwork has been accepted for a show at the International House,
Davis, CA. Congratulations and thank you! We have tentatively scheduled your
show for May 2010 (Set up May 12th or 13th; Hosted opening reception May
14th 6-8 pm; Take down June 7th or 8th)."


Yagnam said...

What dreams may come.....

Rama Lekshman said...


~Knife said...

Thank you Batsy and Rama! :)

Chawley's friend said...

Congrats dear :)

shivalik said...

Wonderfully good news, though I must admit I'm very late in saying so...congrats all the same....paint Davis red :)

~Knife said...

I'll try Shivalik. Thank you :)

Kartik said...

Waaaaaaaaaooo!! How did I miss this news?!! :|

Congrats a lot, Didi.. /) :)